Application 25/00007 – 158 Blackamoor Lane

Comments on Application 25/00007 – 158 Blackamoor Lane

Prior approval for change of use from Class E (commercial business and service) to Class C3 (residential) to provide 8 x 1 bed flats and alterations to fenestration.

Although this application is submitted under Permitted Development we do not believe that it should be approved.

The building and setting is not suitable for conversion to residential units. The submitted Planning Statement does not provide a schedule of accommodation to demonstrate that the living areas meet the required Nationally Described Space Standard. From the plans it is evident that Unit 6 is a 1b2p dwelling with an area of 49.3 m2. The other 7 units are 1b1p with areas ranging from 39 m2 to 43 m2. However, the bed sizes represented on the 1b1p plans are closer to a double bed rather than a single bed. These units are significantly substandard for the likely occupancy by 2 persons.

The access arrangements to the dwelling units is unclear, and in some cases appears to require the use of adjoining properties. A detailed site plan is required to demonstrate how the necessary access will be achieved. There is no outside amenity space for units 1 to 5, while units 6 to 8 have a very limited area. Parking provision is inadequate, with space for only 4 vehicles to the front of the site. Additional vehicles will have to resort to on street parking. There is no evidence of bin or cycle storage arrangements. 

We object to this proposal as we do not believe that this is a suitable building or location for such a high density of I bed flats. Most office conversions are set on plots which provide plentiful parking and an open aspect. This site is especially constrained and will result in a cramped, substandard development.