Application 24/03039 Volvo/Scandinavian House, Norreys Dr

Comments on Application 24/03039 Volvo/Scandinavian House, Norreys Drive.

Prior approval for change of use from office building to residential for 30 x self-contained flats.


This employment site does not yet enjoy Article 4 protection against Permitted Development, which is due to be introduced in the coming weeks. Nevertheless, such conversions from offices to residential are required to attain certain standards, especially relating to the minimum area of living space.

There is no accommodation schedule provided within the application, but the floor plans provided would appear to show that many dwelling units will fall below the minimum Nationally Described Space Standards. The living area of each unit requires verification, and any substandard dwellings should not be permitted.

It is also noted that the dwelling mix – 9 studio, 15 x 1-bed and 6 x 2-bed is regretfully biased towards smaller units. There is clearly a current oversupply of new1 bed flats in Maidenhead, with an increasing need of 2 bed and larger.