Application 24/02786 – Land South of Kimbers Lane

Comments on Application 24/02786 – Land South of Kimbers Lane

Full planning application for 225 dwellings together with access, landscaping,  open space, parking and other infrastructure.

Whilst this site is identified within the BLP for residential development we object to the application as it stands. Whilst it is appreciated that the scheme includes the required element of affordable housing, there are too many flats within the proposal. 1 and 2 bed flats are overprovided on the open market in Maidenhead. In this location only affordable flats should be included in the scheme. The proposed oversupply of flats is accommodated in eight blocks of four storeys situated on the south-west boundary of the site – alongside the A404M. These blocks allegedly form a noise and visual barrier between the motorway and the other houses to the north-east. These blocks of flats should be restricted to three storeys as in other locations away from the town centre. The south-west elevations of these structures are bleak and overbearing with narrow rear windows resulting from the orientation of the apartments towards the north east.

With the level of development activity in the Kimbers Lane / Harvest Hill Road area it is evident that the immediate access to the site, and the wider road network will be under severe stress. Already the ongoing Berkely Homes development (north of Kimbers Lane) is causing disruption. A Strategic Review of the highways impact of the Kimbers Lane developments and the pending scheme for Maidenhead Golf Course is required.

In overall terms there appears to be insufficient parking on the site, and a shortage of amenity / play space around the blocks of flats.

It is noted that an application for an Environmental Impact Assessment was submitted earlier this year and is currentlypending. This full application should not be permitted until an EIA has been approved.