Application 24/02115 – 59 Norden Road
Comments on Application 24/02115 – 59 Norden Road 5 x flats with associated parking, cycle and refuse storage and new access following demolition of existing dwelling. We objected to the previous application 22/02426 for 5 x flats, which was refused. We did not comment on the subsequent application 23/00279 which reduced the number of dwellings to 4 and has been granted permission. It was felt that some attempt had been made to mitigate the original overdevelopment of the site and address the reasons for refusal. We are disappointed at the reintroduction of this proposal for 5 dwelling units, by adding an additional flat within the roof-space. The resultant additional number of occupants and parking requirement, combined with lack of amenity space and overlooking of neighbours are unacceptable. We object to the proposed increase in number of dwelling units and hope that the redevelopment will be restricted to the scheme as already permitted.