Application 24/02001 – Land Adj. to 4 Oakhurst
Comments on Application 24/02001 – Land Adj. to 4 Oakhurst 1 x new dwelling with attached garage, bin and cycle store, hardstanding, new dropped kerb and boundary treatment. This site is public amenity space and forms part of the adopted highway. This open space was created at the time Maidenhead Court Park was originally planned to enhance the setting of the houses in Ashdown and Oakhurst. It is protected by covenant. Although the site may have been sold with a view to obtaining planning permission, it is unsuitable for the construction of a dwelling and we object to this application. It has no frontage on either Ashdown or Oakhurst to provide access and a new dropped kerb. The site plan does not show how access will be achieved. It also fails to show the location of the proposed dwelling within the site. The design of the proposed dwelling does not reflect the architectural style of the existing Maidenhead Court Park properties. The boundary treatment is not specified, but the site will probably require fencing on the perimeter. Such fencing will be out of character with the surrounding homes which have open-plan front gardens without fencing, walls or hedges. This open aspect is also protected by covenant. There are numerous established trees on the site and it is very likely that any development will require trees to be removed and/or suffer root damage. Finally, the site lies within a designated Flood Zone and there is no Flood Risk Analysis or Sequential Test provided with the application.