Application 20/03508 – 106 to 108 and 110 to 114 High Street
Comments on Application 20/03508 – 106 to 108 and 110 to 114 High Street Outline application for partial demolition and alterations and erection of a 7-storey building fronting West Street to provide 57 apartments and associated under-croft parking at ground and first floor levels.
This application originated in December 2020 aa a proposal for a 13-storey block comprising 108 flats - an excessive scheme to which we objected. After more than three years without a decision, the application would reasonably have been expected to have lapsed. It is surprising to see an “amendment” applied to the same application number for the significantly scaled down development currently proposed – a scheme that is unrecognisable from the original. There are some positives to the new proposal. All flats achieve the Nationally Described Space Standards for minimum living area. The majority of flats have a balcony or terrace, and communal amenity space is otherwise provided. In view of the town centre location, the provision of 59 parking spaces is an asset. However, we object to the application on two major grounds. Firstly, the RBWM Tall Buildings SPD has now been adopted and this document defines the “contextual height” of this area of West Street as a maximum of 5-storeys. There seems little point in adopting such a planning document if it is not applied to subsequent applications. (The same concern applies to the pending application for an 8-storey block on the Poundland site at 88/90 High Street, which also fronts West Street – 24/01342). Could it just be possible that by persisting with and amending the 2020 application it is hoped to “pre-date” the adoption of the SPD relating to building height? A new application would be subject to the adopted height constraints. The second concern relates to traffic management in West Street. If apartment blocks are to be developed with parking provision along the south side of West Street, and subsequent West Street Opportunity Area development adds further residential and/or commercial activity, the current situation will be totally inadequate. Today’s road arrangement as a two-way cul-de-sac with a pinch point to the rear of Marks and Spencer will be unsatisfactory. We would suggest that West Street was only accessed via a new exit on Castle Hill roundabout and was one way west to east – exited via Market Street. Resolution of highway and traffic management issues should be undertaken before any planning decisions are made on further major developments.