Application 24/01342 – Poundland, 88/90 High Street
Comments on Application 24/01342 – Poundland, 88/90 High Street Outline application for demolition of rear of existing building and erection of an 8 storey building fronting West Street to provide 46 apartments and associated parking, cycle and bin storage and change of use of part of first floor fronting High Street to provide 6 further apartments making 52 units in total. Retention of existing ground floor retail unit fronting High Street. Permission has already been granted for the change of use of the existing first floor retail storage space into 6 apartments. This proposed additional 8 storey block to the rear of the site is intended to provide a further 46 dwelling units with frontage onto West Street. However, it raises issues about the proposed height of buildings within the Town Centre North area designated within the recently adopted RBWM Tall Buildings SPD. Under these guidelines we believe that there is a maximum permitted height of 5 storeys in this location, which is not identified for a landmark building of 8 storeys. The proposed 8 storey block will over-shadow and restrict daylight to adjoining residential properties – particularly the building located at 94 to 96 High Street. We note the concerns of some of the occupants of these neighbouring properties. Furthermore, from the information submitted with this application it appears that a number of rooms in the proposed block will also suffer from poor natural light and sunlight. We welcome the increase in the proportion of two bed flats within the proposal, but there continues to be an over provision of flats in the town centre, and there are no affordable units within the scheme. We also note that all dwellings achieve minimum space standards. The provision of some parking in this location is appreciated with 19 spaces provided. The majority of flats in the scheme enjoy balconies or terraces and there are communal amenity spaces provided. We note that the proposed block is set back and will not be visible from street level on the High Street. However, we object to this application because the height of 8 storeys is no longer acceptable in this location, and there is a consequent overshadowing of surrounding buildings. The number of storeys should be reduced, and upper storeys should be stepped back.