Application 24/01049 – Greenwood, Islet Road

Comments on Application 24/01049 – Greenwood, Islet Road

New front gable, part single / part two storey side front and rear extensions, 2 x rear dormers and alteration to fenestration to facilitate loft conversion,

following demolition of existing elements.

Existing elements were already demolished, and the groundwork and foundations were well advanced ahead of this application being submitted or permission being granted.

It is difficult to reconcile the submitted drawings with what appears to be under construction. The footprint as drawn on the proposed plans is significantly smaller that the visual evidence on site. In particular, the eastern flank of the new structure appears to be closer than 1 metre to the boundary line with the neighbouring property. With the proposed very large increase in the depth of the building and the side elevations there is a risk of the loss of privacy and / or light for the neighbours. This applies especially to the eastern boundary where a sloping single storey garage is to be replaced by 2 storey bedroom accommodation.

The site is located in Flood Zone 3, and a Flood Risk Assessment has been provided.. Previously, a limit of 30 m2 has applied to increases in the footprint of extensions. However, because of the significant increase in number of bedrooms and potential occupants it should be demonstrated that they will not be at risk in the event of flooding.


To the rear of the plot, large newly constructed concrete foundations are evident with provision for utilities. There is no reference to any proposed structure residential or otherwise within this application. Such a structure would be unacceptable,and should not be permitted.


It is noted from the Property History that an Enforcement Enquiry is in process and the outcome is awaited. In view of the above concerns we have no option but to object to this application.