Application 24/00630 – The Crown, Wootton Way

Comments on Application 24/00630 – The Crown, Wootton Way

Construction of 4 x semi-detached dwellings with associated parking and landscaping.

We have commented on previous applications to develop this surplus car parking area into residential dwellings. In 2020 19/03611 which was for the construction of 12 flats was refused. Subsequently, 21/01118 for a reduced number of 10 flats was also refused. (We would point out that the latter application 21/01118 is omitted from the Planning History for this site on the RBWM Planning Portal.)

We welcome the latest application for a more modest total of 4 dwellings – two pairs of semi-detached houses. There is an oversupply of flats in Maidenhead so family houses with amenity space are much needed. Regretfully, we have to object to the unsatisfactory parking arrangements which are proposed in this application. Two spaces per dwelling are in line with parking policy, but three of the eight spaces are in tandem. This will involve vehicle movement and turning that will be impractical in the limited available space. It is also likely that the small grass area to the front of the houses will be used for parking and / or converted to hard standing. The front of the site requires reconfiguration to create two proper spaces per dwelling with adequate access and turning space.