Application 23/02293 - Peter Freebody's Yard, Boulters Lock Island
Comments on Application 23/02293 - Peter Freebody's Yard, Boulters Lock Island Boathouse 1 and Boathouse 2 - Replacement boatyard workshop, re-siting of jetty, new pathway, docks and slipway. As stated in our earlier comments on the similar application 21/00508 we are broadly supportive of proposals that support leisure / boating activity and/ or employment on the River Thames. Our main concern is the very large increase in the size and bulk of the proposed new workshop compared to the previously existing two boathouses. The enlarged building will be very dominant. In particular, the proposed structure will be located with the west elevations much closer to and highly visible from the lock cut and Lower Cookham Road. As the site is situated in the Riverside Conservation Area the screening by trees and other vegetation should be retained, and extra screening introduced where possible. We note that the dark creosote wooden elevations will be traditional in character and the northern elevation will be brick built to restrict fire risk to the neighbouring residential property. There will be a floodable void beneath the workshop floor to ameliorate flood risk. Access is difficult as it is limited to boat only - via the lock cut or the weir stream. Consequently, construction will be challenging and it is noticeable that the submission from "Environmental Protection" regarding the application does not acknowledge the unique access and construction issues relating to the site.