Application 23/02151 - 51 St Marks Road
Comments on Application 23/02151 - 51 St Marks Road 8 x New Dwellings with associated parking, landscaping and access following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuilding. This is a narrow site which is difficult to develop with the number of dwellings proposed in this application. Because of the constraints of the site we believe that a total of 8 dwellings represents overdevelopment. We welcome the variety of housing proposed - 2 x detached, 2 x semis and 4 x maisonettes but there are too many for the site. A total of 12 parking places are proposed including 5 spaces in the undercroft of the maisonettes, but it is noted that 4 spaces are in tandem which is not a satisfactory arrangement. The detached and semis have private garden amenity space, but the 4 maisonettes have a very small community area. The overall character of the scheme is compromised by the constraints of the site, which results in an over dense development. The recently completed adjacent development of 14 dwellings at Courtwood has a much more spacious layout. It was by the same developer and we raised no objections. We object to this proposal on the grounds of overdevelopment. We would suggest that the number of dwellings is reduced to create a less cramped development with satisfactory parking arrangements and adequate amenity space.