Application 23/00565 - 35 All Saints Road
Comments on Application 23/00565 - 35 All Saints Road Change of use from amenity land to residential and widening of the existing drop kerb. The supporting paperwork with this application is unclear. There is no provision of a site plan with the boundaries shown in red. It appear that the amenity land in question is public amenity land situated as a wide grass verge between the front boundary of the property and the roadside footpath. We do not believe that such a change of use is applicable for amenity land not in the ownership of the householder. The intention appears to be to create additional hard-standing for vehicles to the front of the boundary, combined with a widening of the dropped kerb. It is noted that the application refers to a tarmac surface, rather than a permeable option, which is now preferred. Furtermore, the application form does not indicate an increase in parking spaces with the existing 2 spaces unchanged. More clarification is required about the boundaries of the site, the ownership of the amenity land in question, and the impact on parking spaces related to the property.