Applications 23/00167 - 00170 - 00171 - 00174 Advertisement and 23/00168 - 00169 - 00172 - 00173 Ful
Comments on Applications 23/00167 - 00170 - 00171 - 00174 Advertisement and 23/00168 - 00169 - 00172 - 00173 Full Planning for installation. Four locations in Maidenhead Town Centre - High Street and King Street These 8 applications relate to the installation of 4 BT Street Hubs with associated display of advertisement to both sides and consent to display double sided digital and internally illuminated screens. We believe that the application is speculative and unsolicited. There appears to have been no prior consultation with interested parties in Maidenhead Town Centre - although there may well have been necessary contact with RBWM planning. The application states that this is part of a nationwide roll out with the aim of benefitting local communities - including improved mobile phone reception. In recent years there has been a focus on reducing the amount of "street furniture" cluttering our town streets. The proposed Street Hubs will result in the visually intrusive commercialisation of our already unattractive town centre. They are predominantly an advertising vehicle for BT with marginal application for community or emergency messaging. The proposal raises many questions: what revenue is generated for the local authority, who has editorial control of the advertising / messaging content and what is to stop other commercial businesses installing a proliferation of similar free standing illuminated advertising panels. In the absence of such information and until there has been much wider consultation on these "hubs" we object to the current applications. Please record this letter of objection against all 8 applications - 23/00167 to 23/00174 inclusive.