Application 22/03042 - Land to rear of The Garth, Altwood Close
Comments on Application 22/03042 - Land to rear of The Garth, Altwood Close Outline application for Access and Layout only with all other matters to be reserved for the erection of a detached dwelling with access, parking and amenity space. We have objected to the two previous applications (19/02814 and 21/02785) for a new dwelling on this back garden infilling site. Both applications were refused. In addition there have been two appeals against the refusal - one dismissed in 2020 and a second with decision pending. This outline application is for a similar proposal and the reasons for previous refusals do not appear to have been addressed. The subdivided plot is limited for the size of the proposed detached dwelling, with tight access and parking arrangements. Amenity space is also inadequate in relation to the size of the new dwelling. There will be a loss of privacy and a degree of overlooking for the adjacent properties - Junecroft and Maple Dean - in the event of the new dwelling being permitted. The introduction of an additional property will be out of character with Altwood Close which is associated with large properties set in spacious grounds with abundant trees and vegetation. Back garden infilling should not be permitted where it is detrimental to the character of the neighbourhood.