Application 22/02426 - 59 Norden Road
Comments on Application 22/02426 - 59 Norden Road 5 flats ( 2 x 2-bed / 3 x 1-bed ) with associated parking, cycle and refuse storage and new access following demolition of existing dwelling. This proposal is to introduce five dwelling units ( flats ) to replace the existing family home. It is welcomed that all five dwellings will meet Nationally Described Space Standards and have substantial balcony space. However, there is little outside amenity space, and only five car parking spaces are provided. Where flats are proposed away from the town centre it is important that the minimum number of parking spaces is provided as per RBWM policy. In this case a minimum of 7 spaces is required - with 2 spaces for each 2 bed unit. This is acknowledged in the Transport Note included in the supporting documentation and was identified in the pre application advice. For this application to be acceptable the total number of bedrooms should be reduced or an additional two parking spaces provided.