Application 22/02419 - 2/4/4a Boyn Valley Road
Comments on Application 22/02419 - 2/4/4a Boyn Valley Road Two buildings comprising 10 x 2 bedroom maisonettes with access, bin stores and associated parking and landscaping following demolition of existing buildings. This proposed development is an intense use of the plot generated by the demolition of the existing properties. The delivery of 10 x 2 bed flats requires the provision of 20 car parking spaces to meet the standard required by RBWM Parking Policy for such a development away from the town centre. Only 10 spaces are proposed and it is not acceptable for the requirement of 2 spaces per unit to be regarded as guidance or desirable as suggested in the Parking Statement included within the application. As proposed the parking provision is inadequate, with difficult access and turning space. It is very likely that on street overspill parking will occur on a regular basis. We welcome the fact that all proposed dwellings meet Nationally Described Space Standards. However, this scheme represents overdevelopment of the site. By maximising the use of the existing built footprint there is inadequate parking / access / amenity space surrounding the blocks to support the proposed total of 10 x 2 bed maisonettes.