Application 22/02191 - Furze Platt Local 84-86 Furze Platt Road
Comments on Application 22/02191 - Furze Platt Local 84-86 Furze Platt Road Part 2-storey, part first-floor wraparound extension (front/side/rear) to create 2 additional dwellings. This proposal would significantly improve the visual appearance of this site, although the unsightly black hoardings to the left of the host building appear to be beyond the site boundary/ In summary the scheme would introduce an additional 2 x 2 bed flats, and increase the number of bedrooms in the existing flat ( above the shop ) from 3 to 4. RBWM Planning Policy Parking requirements would indicate a minimum of 6 spaces for the level of accommodation proposed plus adequate space for access and turning. There is no availability of on street parking as the short term parking in front of the shop is required as customer parking for the convenience store and other adjacent traders. Indeed, because of the close proximity to the traffic lights and the junction with Gardner Road no further on street parking is possible. The proposed site plan indicates parking for 2 vehicles and no cycle storage. This is clearly unacceptable. Furthermore, inadequte amenity space is indicated on the plan, and this would have to be sacrificed to provide more parking spaces. In effect. the proposed additional accommodation is in excess of what can be adequately supported by the surrounding available space. Consequently, we object to the proposed extensions as currently submitted.