Application 22/01961 - 66 to 70 Sheephouse Road
Comments on Application 22/01961 - 66 to 70 Sheephouse Road Outline application for the construction of 8 detached dwellings with amenity space, allocated parking spaces and the creation of new private vehicular and pedestrian access following demolition of 3 existing dwelling houses.
Following the increased density and change of character caused by the regretful construction of a block of 12 flats at Green Trees, there was always the likelihood that nearby dwellings would be identified for demolition and redevelopment. Nos. 66 to 70 Sheephouse Road are three bungalows on sizeable sites to the south of Green Trees. They were constructed less than 60 years ago, they are perfectly sound dwellings and their premature demolition will create a negative carbon footprint. This scheme seeks to squeeze in 8 detached dwelling houses, 4 on the Sheephouse Road frontage and 4 to the rear which would be accessed by a newly constructed cul de sac. By using a design of 2.5 storeys each dwelling will have 4 bedrooms - totalling 32 bedrooms. Each house has the provision of 3 parking spaces some of which appear undersized and/or poorly accessed - especially those houses to the rear. Because of the cramped nature of the development there is a degree of overlooking and loss of privacy - Plot 8 especially overlooks the rear of the adjacent No 64. We object to the cramped and excessive overdevelopment of this proposed scheme, especially the four houses to the rear. Planning policy states that back garden "infilling" is allowable where it does not significantly impact on the prevailing character of the neighbourhood. This proposal will result in a change to the character of this section of Sheephouse Road which features low rise dwellings on spacious plots. If such schemes were permitted more widely in Maidenhead Riverside there would be a significant loss of visual amenity and character. We note the recent refusal of an application for 5 dwellings on the site of Culpeppers at 53 Lower Cookham Road.