Application 22/01578 - Land at 7 Hampden Rd and 7 Hampden Rd
Comments on Application 22/01578 - Land at 7 Hampden Rd and 7 Hampden Rd Single storey rear extension, following demolition of the existing single storey side elements to the existing dwelling and the construction of 1 x new dwelling with associated works. This application would create an additional three bedroom dwelling beside No 7, while the existing house would retain three bedrooms. It is clear that the proposed parking provision of one space per dwelling is inadequate. RBWM parking policy requires at least two parking spaces per dwellings of this size which are located away from the town centre. If the adjacent land is to be developed then a two storey extension would be acceptable as long as adequate parking was provided for the number of potential occupants in line with policy. However, we object to this proposal for a new dwelling because of the lack of parking provision for each property. |