Application 22/00644 - Land at 33 Mallow Park
Comments on Application 22/00644 - Land at 33 Mallow Park 1 x new dwelling. This application is to construct a detached 1 bed dwelling on a small plot of land adjacent to the host property at 33 Mallow Park. The plot of land lies at the "hammer head" turning area at the end of Mallow Park - which is a cul de sac. Beside the plot is a footpath which provides a pedestrian link between Mallow Park and Cranbrook Drive. It is a very constrained plot, as indicated by the limited size of the proposed dwelling. The plot is not suitable for development as a separate dwelling, which will generate additional parking requirements, and potentially result in displacement on road parking on Mallow Park - especially in the turning area of the "hammer head". Whilst 3 parking spaces (including one garage space) are retained for No. 33, the new property will have only one space. The indicated size of some parking spaces appear to be substandard. Furthermore, the garden amenity space for the new dwelling is very limited. The prevailing character of the streetscape is of detached houses in an open setting. This proposed small dwelling is out of place, and will result in the loss of the visual amenity which is a feature of the neighbourhood.