Application 22/00333 - Land opposite 35 Ribstone Road

Comments on Application 22/00333 - Land opposite 35 Ribstone Road

3 x new dwellings with associated parking and amenity space.

This is a speculative application for the residential development of previously public open amenity space, which was created to enhance the setting and character of the Ribstone Road area when it was originally developed. It is understood that this was previously covenanted land that was subject to a maximum number of dwellings when sold for residential development. Hence, this important open space.

We object to the proposed development because it will be detrimental to the setting, aspect and outlook of the existing surrounding properties. In particular, Nos. 12 and 14 would view the gable end of the proposed terrace, rather than the green open space currently enjoyed. Nos. 12 and 14 would also suffer loss of light. The acquired site includes the footpath which provides pedestrian front access to Nos. 12 to 18. Limiting such access is unacceptable.

To accommodate the proposed development, a number of trees would be lost.  As proposed, the terrace of 3 x 3 bed houses has inadequate parking with only one space per dwelling in a location well removed from the town centre. Potential on street parking in front of the proposed houses will restrict access to the parking / garages of the existing properties which is located to their rear.  Garden amenity space is totally unsatisfactory - especially in Plot 2 which has only 32 m2. Plot 3 has 83.5 m2 but the majority is down the side of the house. The largest is the garden of Plot 1 with 176 m2 - but this is largely overlooked by the existing dwellings at Nos. 12 to 16.  

The height, bulk and mass of the proposed development will detract from the open aspect and street scene currently enjoyed by existing residents. Infilling developments (usually in back gardens) are not permitted if they detract from the character of the area. In this case, the open space is, in reality, an extension of residents' front gardens and such development will adversely impact the existing properties that surround this open space.

In summary, we object to this scheme which constitutes unacceptable overdevelopment of a public open space, to the detriment of surrounding properties.

It is important that similar open amenity spaces throughout the Royal Borough are identified and protected and not seen as potential candidates for similar speculative residential development