Application 22/00361 - Land to rear of 49 to 53 & 47 Courthouse Rd

Comments on Application 22/00361-Land to rear of 49 to 53 & 47 Courthouse Rd

Construction of 6 x dwellings - detached and semi detached - with access, parking and amenity space, following demolition of existing dwelling.

This is a valid site for back garden infilling and it is noted that a similar scheme has been implemented to create the dwellings at 53a and 53b Courthouse Road. However, this proposal is much more cramped that the previously permitted scheme.

The attempt to squeeze in 2 detached and 4 semis is overambitious and results in overdevelopment of the site. The detached dwelling ( Plot 6 ) beside the access road is acceptable but with limited amenity space. However, the area to the rear of the site is inadequate to accommodate a further 5 dwellings. The plots are very close together and there will be a degree of overlooking. The rear garden amenity space is substandard, and although parking for a total of 13 vehicles over the total development is adequate, the number of spaces has been generated by the provision of  tandem parking arrangements for Plots 3 and 4. Furthermore it is noted that Plot 1 has two garages rather than parking spaces. In the event of these garages being used for storage there will be the risk of displaced parking on the approach road.

We object to his scheme because the number of dwellings proposed will result in overdevelopment which is cramped and space limited. We believe that the site is suitable for infilling, but that a scheme of four detached dwellings would be of a better standard and more satisfactorily accommodated on the site.