Application 21/03614 - Oldfield Food and Wine, 40a Oldfield Road
Comments on Application 21/03614 - Oldfield Food and Wine, 40a Oldfield Road Change of use from retail shop to hot food takeaway and installation of a chimney extractor. This application is incomplete in that the submitted plans do not include a front elevation to illustrate the appearance of the take away unit when viewed from the road. The proposed change of use relates to the left hand section (south) of the building - which in existing terms is fronted by a roller shutter, presumably with storage behind. Because of the angle of the building line, this frontage is very close to the road, with no availability of space for parking. The application does not make it clear what the proposals for the existing retail unit are. The application form states that the existing 6 parking spaces - an unrealistic number - are to be reduced to zero. In view of the location on the "Southern Relief Road", and the proximity to the junction with Oldacres, the lack of off road parking provision for the collection of takeaways is a major concern. This application requires a front elevation to show the position and design of the takeaway unit, a narrative to explain how the takeaway will operate alongside the food and wine store and a site plan which demonstrates off street, pull in parking facilities which will be required for the collection of meals by car.