Application 21/03371 - 31A Rutland Road
Comments on Application 21/03371 - 31A Rutland Road Raising the roof and eaves to create a new first floor, with a first floor rear extension, 3 x side roof lights and 1 x side dormer to create accommodation within the roof space, new roof over the single storey side element and alterations to the fenestration. The above description does not accurately reflect what is proposed within this application. In addition to a two storey rear extension, a new roof space is to be opened up to create a gym/shower room and an en suite bedroom as a third storey. This SW side elevation will incur a degree of overlooking and loss of privacy to the back gardens and rear of properties in Westborough Road - esp.. Nos. 55 to 63 which share a boundary with 34A Rutland Road. Likewise, the front SE elevation of the proposed extended property will overlook the rear of Nos. 34 and 36 Rutland Road. It is assumed that the existing property at 34A is a bungalow because when the original permission was granted to build behind Nos.34 and 36 Rutland Road, there was concern about the potential loss of privacy arising from a two storey dwelling. This proposal represents overdevelopment of the site which is un-neighbourly in terms of the impact on adjacent dwellings. In addition there will be Building Regulations concerns about the robustness of the existing foundations and bungalow walls to support the proposed 2.5 storey structure.