Application 21/03361 - Tall Trees, 18 Lower Cookham Road

Comments on Application 21/03361 - Tall Trees, 18 Lower Cookham Road

Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether the proposed siting of a mobile home is lawful.

This application is of a significance and scale far beyond the scope of Permitted Development and a consequent Certificate of Lawfulness. It requires a full planning application so that neighbours are duly notified and consultees and other stakeholders can comment on the proposal. We would like to make the following observations:

The supporting documents acknowledge that the site lies within Flood Zone 3. Planning Policy F1 permits an increase in footprint on the site of a maximum of 30 m2. This semi permanent detached dwelling has a footprint of approximately 135 m2. The rainfall displacement will be unacceptable, and a full planning application will require a Flood Risk Assessment and facilitate evaluation of the proposal by the Environment Agency.

The site lies within the Riverside Conservation Area and the structure will be located in the front garden, with the SW corner approx. 4 metres from the front boundary wall, with a maximum height of 3.65 metres. The Conservation Area is not referred to in the supporting documentation. Any development should be in a style and building materials that reflect and enhance the character of the Conservation Area. A Norwegian Log Cabin does not meet this requirement. Rather than being a "mobile home" which is a misnomer, these structures are semi permanent and delivered in sections. Again, a full planning application will facilitate assessment by the Conservation Officer.

It is noted a number of applications / appeals are included in the documentation to establish a precedent from similar previous proposals elsewhere for permitting such log cabins. However, in no example of precedent is the comparable  application both within a Conservation Area and on a flood plain. It is understood from the application that the reason for the proposal is to offer on-site accommodation to support ageing parents. In the event of the application being permitted, there should be a consequent planning condition that the "mobile home" is to be removed in the event of any change in circumstances  Such a structure is not compatible in the long term with the designation of Maidenhead Riverside as a Conservation Area.

The application for a Certificate of Lawfulness should not be granted and the proposal should re-submitted as a full planning application.