Application 21/03274 - 129 Bridge Road
Comments on Application 21/03274 - 129 Bridge Road Change of use of first floor from offices to residential to create 2 x 1-bed and 1 x 2-bed flats with alterations to fenestration, and associated cycle and refuse storage, car parking and ground floor front entrance. We welcome the proposal to introduce residential accommodation into the office space above the disused ex Barclays Bank unit on Bridge Road. However, we object to this proposal on the grounds that two of the dwelling units are smaller than the Nationally Described Space Standard for 1 and 2 bed units. The 2 bed dwelling is only 61 m2 compared to the minimum requirement of 70m2. One of the 1 bed units is only 41m2 against a requirement of 50m2 - the other 1 bed unit is 55m2 which is satisfactory. The available space should be reconfigured into a proposal for either 2 x 2 bed units or 3 x 1 bed dwellings. This proposal is unacceptable. It is very important that substandard undersized dwellings are not added to Maidenhead's housing stock. Although associated parking provision is adequate, the proposed flats also suffer from a lack of amenity space, which is regretfully unavoidable because of the character of the site.