Application 21/02975 - Land at 11 Mallow Park

Comments on Application 21/02975 - Land at 11 Mallow Park

Subdivision of the existing site to create 1 x additional dwelling with associated front, rear and side amenity space, private entrance, refuse and bicycle store and proposed unallocated street parking.

We commented on the earlier proposal for this site (21/01434) in June this year. We note that the previous application was refused for substandard external amenity space, a constrained plot in terms of size and shape, and being detrimental to the character and amenity of the area.

This plot and its location remain unsuitable to subdivision to create a separate dwelling. This application appears to have marginally reconfigured the boundaries of the plots to address the issue of amenity space. However, the site is very small and only has pedestrian access with no road frontage for "proposed unallocated street parking". Any parking will be remote from the site in neighbouring streets. We continue to object to this proposal and believe that the previous reasons for refusal still apply.