Application 21/02785 - Land to rear of The Garth, Altwood Close

Comments on Application 21/02785 - Land to rear of The Garth, Altwood Close

Construction of 1 x dwelling with new vehicular access.

We objected to the earlier application in 2019 for a similar scheme - 19/02814. That application was refused, went to appeal and was subsequently dismissed. This current application has only minor modifications and changes in detail from the earlier unsuccessful scheme.

The sub-divided plot does not provide adequate space for the substantial detached house that is proposed for the site. The new dwelling occupies much of the plot, with the three parking spaces being in a tight configuration, which could result in on street parking, which is out of character with Altwood Close. Furthermore, there is limited amenity space for the size of dwelling. The new house is located close to the boundary with the adjacent property - Junecroft - which currently enjoys a considerable distance to the existing rear elevations of The Garth. In addition, the rear first floor of the new dwelling appears to overlook the rear garden and elevations of Maple Dean.

Altwood Close is characterised by substantial detached houses on large plots with considerable greenery and established trees. One such tree could be significantly at risk if this new dwelling is permitted. This new house is architecturally uninteresting and is out of character with the neighbourhood because it is overlarge for the size of the plot. Therefore, we continue to object to this proposal.