Application 21/02639 - 25 Thames Crescent
Comments on Application 21/02639 - 25 Thames Crescent Two storey side extension, detached garage and dropped kerb. We have objected to two previous applications for this site - 19/00658 in May '19 and 19/02711 in December '19. We note that both these applications were withdrawn rather than refused. The size and scale of this new application is similar to the previous proposals, although the new residential building is linked to the host dwelling internally. This creates an extension rather than a separate dwelling as previously proposed. However, the site lies within Flood Zone 3 and any extension to an existing dwelling is subject to the 30 m2 maximum increase in footprint under Planning Policy F1. We are disappointed that although the Environment Agency commented on the previous applications, they do not appear to have responded to this current proposal. The bulk and density of the joined buildings is excessive and out of character with the spacious setting which characterises the layout of the detached houses of Thames Crescent. The existing houses have integral garages, and this development requires the construction of a detached garage block to the rear of the site. This will also be out of character with the prevailing street scene, and result in an un-neighbourly juxtaposition for the properties nearest this garage block. Consequently, we continue to object to such an intrusive development on this site.