Application 21/02528 - Oldfield Food and Wine, 40A Oldfield Road
Comments on Application 21/02528 - Oldfield Food and Wine, 40A Oldfield Road Change of use from retail shop to hot food takeaway and installation of chimney extractor. The standard of drawings for this application are poor. The internal layout is unclear and it is noted that the environmental protection officer does not regard hand washing facilities in the food preparation area as satisfactory. The plans also fail to show the potential use of the forecourt for customer pick up. The Highways comments observe the existing access and egress arrangements which need to be retained to avoid on street parking. However, the Application Form indicates that parking spaces are to be reduced from 6 to zero. Consequently, we have concerns about the proposed change of use until more details are provided to illustrate how the takeaway will function without any detrimental impact on neighbours, traffic and food hygiene.