Application 21/02330 - 33 Cannon Court Road
Comments on Application 21/02330 - 33 Cannon Court Road 5 x new dwellings with associated access, parking and landscaping following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings. The width of this site is greater than the width of neighbouring properties, which is why it is potentially suitable for redevelopment. However, the associated application - 21/02329 - for 3 x new dwellings fronting Cannon Court Road is the absolute maximum that should be considered for this site. The proposed terrace of 3 x 3-bed houses under 21/ 02329 is consistent with the building line, provides satisfactory parking arrangements and adequate rear garden amenity space. This proposal - 21/02330 - is overambitious and constitutes gross overdevelopment of the site. A pair of 3-bed semis are situated facing the road, and to the right of the semis access is proposed to a terrace of 3 x 2-bed houses to the rear, at right angles to the road.. Two parking spaces are provided for each dwelling, but two of the houses to the rear have unsatisfactory parking arrangements - in tandem. Furthermore, the back garden infilling which constitutes the terrace of three dwellings, results in overlooking and a loss of privacy for the rear elevations and gardens of adjacent properties. The amenity space provided for each dwelling is severely restricted and unsatisfactory. We object to this application which would result in a cramped and un neighbourly development, with unsatisfactory parking arrangements, lack of amenity space and loss of privacy to nearby houses. It would be out of character with the street scene and neighbourhood.