Application 21/02171 - Thames House, 17 Marlow Road
Comments on Application 21/02171 - Thames House, 17 Marlow Road Change of use from offices to dwellinghouses to create 40 flats. This is yet another application to convert superfluous office space into residential accommodation. The site has the benefit of being located close to the town centre and we are pleased to note that at least half the flats are two bedroom, as there is a current overprovision of new build 1 bed flats in the town. However, we are concerned that several flat types are undersized and smaller than the Nationally Described Minimum Space Standard. Other flats are well sized with some providing office/work areas. Nevertheless, each individual dwelling should provide the minimum designated living space, so some reapportionment is necessary. As a converted office building there is no provision of balcony space in the layout, and although the number of parking spaces has been significantly reduced there is a lack of outside amenity space for the mental and physical well being of residents in these post covid times. Because of the proximity to town and the railway station the provision of parking is in line with the RBWM policy of 0.5 spaces for a I bed flat and 1 space for a 2 bedded dwelling. It remains a mystery how a person can drive 0.5 of a car. In reality the proposed parking provision is inadequate. We object to this application on the following grounds : Several flats are substandard in terms of living area, there is a lack of leisure/amenity space and the number of car parking spaces had been reduced to an unsatisfactory level.