Application 21/02082 - Land at 19 and 19 Ross Road
Comments on Application 21/02082 - Land at 19 and 19 Ross Road 1x 1 bed dwelling with new pedestrian access, gate, refuse and cycle store. New gate, cycle and refuse store at 18 Ross Road. This is a very tight and cramped plot, alongside No 19 which is the right hand of a pair of semis set at approx. seventy degrees angle to the road. The land in question lies between No 19 and the road. It also includes two off road parking spaces that will be retained by No 19. The plot is not suitable for development as a separate dwelling with the front corner of the proposed house coming within 1.5 metres of the pavement edge, and a resultant building line in front of No 21 - which lies to the rear and is situated facing Ross Road. There is no space on the site for vehicular parking with a proposed on street parking space to the front of the property on Ross Road.. The space might be suitable for an extension to the host property, which would not require additional parking It is too limited to support a separate dwelling, with the necessary access, amenity space and parking, refuse and cycle stores.