Application 21/01670 - Newlands and land at Newlands, Boyn Valley Road
Comments on Application 21/01670 - Newlands and land at Newlands, Boyn Valley Road Single storey rear extension, construction of a new 2 bed dwelling with landscaping and allocated refuse and bicycle storage. There is no problem with the proposed single storey rear extension to the host dwelling. However, the plot to the side of the host property is very cramped and restricted and not suitable for the construction of a new dwelling. It is noted that a similar application was refused last year - 20/01051. That earlier application had the proposed new dwelling set back 3 metres from the frontage and rear of the host dwelling, which is the end of a terrace of four. This created irregular elevations which (according to the refusal letter) were detrimental to the architectural appearance of the block because they did not "sympathetically integrate". Presumably, the reason for setting the building line back was to mitigate the tightness of the location and the fact that the northern extremity of the proposed new building line was very close to the site boundaries. This current application has moved the proposed new dwelling forward to be in line with the existing terrace. However, the site is too cramped and limited to support a separate dwelling, which requires ancillary facilities such as parking, refuse and bicycle storage. It could possibly be suitable for a smaller side extension to the host property - but not a new 2 bed dwelling as proposed.