Application 21/02046 - Devonia, 13 Braywick Road

Comments on Application 21/02046 - Devonia, 13 Braywick Road

8 x flats with new vehicular and pedestrian access following demolition of existing.

We objected to the previous application 21/00297 in February this year. This application was refused because the scale, mass and the roof form was excessive and out of character with the surroundings. It was also refused because of the location in an Air Quality Management Area. This application addresses the latter with the provision of an Air Quality Assessment, but there is no evidence of action to mitigate any impact on pollution - other than the continued failure to provide adequate car parking.

The proposed scheme continues to create yet more flats with a construction that has a scale and mass that is detrimental to the street scene. There is inadequate parking on site, which will generate additional short car journeys as residents seek parking elsewhere. There is also inadequate amenity space for eight dwelling units.