Application 21/01855 - Belmont Place, Belmont Road
Comments on Application 21/01855 - Belmont Place, Belmont Road Change of use from offices to residential to create 18 x 1-bed flats. It is appreciated that such schemes for conversion from offices to residential are defined as Permitted Development. However, there are aspects of this proposal that give cause for concern. There is a lack of amenity space and landscaping required to support the effective change of character required to convert this office block to residential use.The supporting Design Statement indicates that the existing underground parking area will be used to provide storage units for the residents of the residential flats. If this parking area was retained for parking, then some of the outside areas could be used for further parking and / or amenity space. Although parking spaces are proposed in excess of 1 space per flat, a higher number would be desirable. It is noted that the size of the dwelling units is comfortably larger than the Nationally Described Space Standard for 1 bed flats. On that basis, it should not be necessary to provide additional storage capacity for each dwelling. We would like to see the parking proposals reviewed, and the introduction of significant landscaping with amenity space to soften the visual impact within a residential setting.