Application 21/01434 - Land adj. 11 Mallow Park
Comments on Application 21/01434 - Land adj. 11 Mallow Park One new dwelling with associated amenity space, new pedestrian entrance, refuse and bicycle store and unallocated street parking. This is a small piece of land adjacent to the host property, which could possibly be considered for a potential side extension to extend the existing dwelling. However, the plot is completely unsuitable for a separate dwelling and consequently we object to this application. The setting of 11 Mallow Park is on a footpath linking surrounding residential streets. This footpath provides pedestrian access to the host dwelling which consequently does not have roadside parking outside the property. The construction of a new dwelling on the proposed site would create problems with access and disruption for neighbours during the building process. The proposed new dwelling would only have pedestrian access, and as indicated in the description of the application would be dependent on unallocated street parking on nearby roads. A new dwelling would be a cramped development which would be un-neighbourly for existing residents.