Application 21/01270 - Zaman House and Awan House, Church Rd
Comments on Application 21/01270 - Zaman House and Awan House, Church Rd Construction of 6 dwellings with alterations to vehicular and pedestrian access following demolition of existing dwellings. We have long opposed various applications to replace Zaman House or both Zaman House and Awan House with flats. Such flatted blocks of up to 16 dwellings would represent overdevelopment of the site and be completely out of character with the residential setting of the Fisheries It would also add to the current oversupply of flats in Maidenhead, rather than providing homes more suitable for family living.. This scheme is for three pairs of substantial semi detached houses - totalling six dwellings. Although semi detached dwellings are not usual in the setting of the Fisheries, the design and scale of the proposed houses creates a development which is quite imposing. Most significantly it delivers substantial family homes in a gated scheme. Parking arrangements are barely adequate in view of the size of the dwellings, and we believe that landscaping could be improved with the introduction of more trees. However, in general we welcome the move away from flats and believe that these houses will be a satisfactory addition to Maidenhead's housing stock. It should be noted that we would not approve of any subsequent proposal to increase the density of the number of dwellings on this site.