Application 21/01118 - The Crown, 108 Wootton Way
Comments on Application 21/01118 - The Crown, 108 Wootton Way Construction of 10 flats, parking, landscaping and creation of additional parking off Altwood Road. In February 2020 we commented on the previous application 19/03611 which was refused. The reasons for refusal were the size, height, scale, massing and design - combined with a lack of landscaping and amenity space. The development was also judged to be too close to the boundary with the adjacent property at 2 Maple Close. In our earlier objection we felt that the size and height of the proposed residential block was excessive - with the suggestion that it should be scaled back to 8 dwelling units. There was inadequate parking provision and amenity space. We are pleased to note that this new application has been reduced in roof ridge height and the number of units reduced to 10. The parking provision for the ongoing public house has also been increased. Whilst we welcome these modifications, we continue to object for the following reasons: the 3-storey elevations of the block remains out of character with neighbouring properties. There are only 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling and the amenity leisure space is very limited. The proximity to the boundary with No 2 Maple Close does not appear to have changed.