Application 21/00940 - Charnwood and land at 12 Lime Walk

Comments on Application 21/00940 - Charnwood and land at 12 Lime Walk

Construction of 2 dwellings with associated access following demolition of the existing side element of the existing dwelling.

We commented previously on a very similar application - 20/02562 - in October 2020. This earlier application was subsequently withdrawn, and the current proposal is without a Design and Access statement or similar narrative to compare the two schemes.

The host dwelling sits on a very substantial plot, largely to the rear of No 10 Lime Walk. It is proposed to infill with 2 substantial 5 bed detached houses, with access achieved by demolishing a substantial element of Charnwood. The two new houses are overlarge for their plots, with limited garden amenity space for dwellings of such size.. Likewise, the residue amenity space for the host dwelling is significantly reduced. Parking arrangements have been changed from the earlier application where the unsatisfactory proposal was for 4 spaces in a tandem arrangement. The new scheme has three spaces side by side for each property - including Charnwood. The drawings for the new dwellings show these spaces very close together and it is unlikely that the illustrated dimensions for parking spaces are up to standard.

We object to this scheme which we believe is over ambitious for the site. The 5 bedroom houses are too large for the setting, amenity space is restricted and parking arrangements are inadequate. Infilling with two houses detracts from the character of the neighbourhood and is detrimental to the adjacent surroundings and dwellings in the Conservation Area. To retain the scale and proportions of the residential setting of Lime Walk the infilling should be restricted to one new dwelling. The planning guidelines regarding back garden infilling require that such development should not be detrimental to the neighbourhood.