Application 21/00297 - Devonia, 13 Braywick Road

Comments on Application 21/00297 - Devonia, 13 Braywick Road

Demolition of existing and construction of 8 flats and new vehicle and pedestrian access.

This is another example of the demolition of a perfectly good family home to be replaced by a block of flats with inadequate parking. Of course, the development will result in more dwelling "units" being added to the housing stock, but there is an unmeasured ecological footprint impact in the practise of demolishing substantial family houses.

Although the Design and Access Statement refers to two storeys, there are two flats in the roof space, so that visually the elevations are of a three storey block. It is noted that three of the one bed flats just achieve the minimum space standard of 50 m2. Because of the lack of space to the front of the proposed building there is only provision for two vehicles - with the spaces presumably designated for drop off / pick up. This facility will be necessary because of the location on the exceptionally busy A308 Braywick Road. There is no provision of long term parking for residents of these flats. Of course, the proximity to Maidenhead Town Centre and the railway station suggests a sustainable location under RBWM Planning Policy - with no parking requirement. Reality suggests otherwise. Residents of this development will have to use long term parking facilities in Stafferton Way.

Schemes such as this represent overdevelopment of a single plot. A smaller footprint with the building line set further back could have only 6 flats and one parking space per flat. Alternatively, if the proposed footprint was retained, the ground floor could be allocated to undercroft parking with 6 flats on the two floors above. We object because this application squeezes in the maximum number of flats - without adequate parking.