Application 20/03261 - Land adj. 33A The Crescent
Comments on Application 20/03261 - Land adj. 33A The Crescent Construction of 9 apartments and new boundary treatment with associated parking and amenity space. This application is similar to Application 19/02030 for 9 apartments on this vacant plot. We objected to that earlier application on 7th August 2019 on the basis that yet more flats were being built without adequate parking provision. One parking space was provided for each 2-bed flat - a total of 3 - but no spaces were provided for the 6 x 1-bed flats. With no parking for visitors this would add to the already existing pressure on on street parking. We did not object to the subsequent application 19/03192 for two detached dwellings, but this was refused because of the potential risk to TPO trees caused by proximity to the root protection area and unsatisfactory space provision for a replacement Yew tree. There has been a subsequent unsuccessful appeal against the refusal of permission for 9 flats and a later application for 3 dwellings on the site. This is a site genuinely offering an opportunity for residential infilling. Whilst we are in favour of 2 or 3 family homes on the site, we remain opposed to a block of 9 flats. This application constitutes cramped overdevelopment with inadequate parking and amenity space for residents. There is an oversupply of new flatted developments in Maidenhead and our future housing stock requires family homes rather than more flats.