Application 20/03255 - Best One, 3A Altwood Road
Comments on Application 20/03255 - Best One, 3A Altwood Road Change of use from retail to 6 x studio apartments and operational developments. This application is to create 6 studio flats in the current retail space and storage area to the rear. Whilst there is a continuing need for residential dwellings it is important that the housing stock being generated offers good quality accommodation. However, in this case the studio flats being developed are smaller than the minimum Nationally Described Standards for studio flats. The new dwellings range in size from 16 m2 to 23 m2 which are all very small and significantly under the minimum size acceptable for studio flats. Furthermore, there is no provision of parking space or amenity area for these flats. Only two spaces for motorcycles and a number of cycle racks are provided. We object to this proposal because the proposed dwellings will be substandard in terms of living area, and there is no parking provision.