Application 20/03314 - Conference Contacts, 16 College Avenue
Comments on Application 20/03314 - Conference Contacts, 16 College Avenue Change of use from business to residential, two storey rear extension, two-storey side extension, raising of the roof ridge, 4 x front roof-lights, 1 x side roof-light, 1 x side dormer, 5 x rear roof-lights, 2 x rear dormers and 2 x side roof-lightswith alterations to fenestration to create 6 flats ( 4 x 2 bed and 2 x 1 bed). Although currently used as offices this property is a detached residential late Victorian/Edwardian dwelling house. The proposed extensions in footprint appear to be approximately a 60 % increase in area, whilst the roof is to be raised to accommodate the 2 x 1-bed flats. This is an overlarge extension which is out of character with the neighbouring street-scene. The existing car parking provision has been sacrificed to facilitate the sideways extension of the property. We object to the conversion of a potential family home into yet more flats, and the failure to provide adequate off street parking and garden amenity space for a development of six dwellings.