Application 20/02808 - Riverside House, Court Road

Comments on Application 20/02808 - Riverside House, Court Road

First floor side extension with undercroft.

This dwelling was originally granted planning permission as ancillary accommodation to a host property - The Lodge, also on Court Road. The new "boathouse" was built with an undercroft to overcome flood plain concerns. It was constructed on the northern section of the plot to allow views of the river from The Lodge. In spite of the original planning conditions, in 2017 the property was allowed on appeal to be granted a separate freehold. The Lodge has subsequently been sold to another owner and "The Boathouse" has been renamed Riverside House.

This application will increase the footprint by approximately 50 square metres, although flood plain restrictions are overcome by raising the extension with an undercroft. However, the extension is excessive visually, and will double the width of the eastern elevation as viewed from the river towpath. It will also obscure the visual aspect eastwards from The Lodge to the Thames which was a planning feature of the positioning of the new "boathouse". This is the latest in a cumulative list of planning applications and we object to the visual bulk and mass of the eastern elevation which will be created by the proposed extension.