Application 20/01334 - Telma, Boulters Island

Comments on Application 20/01334 - Telma, Boulters Island

Two-storey extensions to the North and South elevations, decking extension and associated curtilage works.

In 2011 a similar application (11/02534) for 2 x two-storey extensions was submitted and we commented adversely in September of that year.  Single storey extensions were permitted earlier in 2011 under application 11/01416 and we did not comment on the subsequent application for single storey extension in 2016 that was permitted under 16/00519.

However we remain opposed to this 2 x 2-storey extensions proposal to the North and South elevations. They will significantly increase the visual bulk and mass of the dwelling which is in the floodplain and subject to Planning Policy F1. No Flood Risk Assessment has been included within the application. Furthermore, the dwelling is in a sensitive ecological area. It is also located in the Riverside Conservation Area. We do not believe that the extensions will reflect and enhance the character of the neighbourhood as required in a Conservation Area, and note that the Conservation Officer is unhappy with the proposed building materials.