Application 20/00702 - Tesco Express, Furze Platt Road
Comments on Application 20/00702 - Tesco Express, Furze Platt Road Consent for 14 signs - 2 x non illuminated facia, 1 x illuminated hanging, 3 x non illuminated banners, 6 x non illuminated wall signs and 2 x non illuminated post signs. This is a landmark building in a prominent position on the northern apex of Furze Platt Triangle Conservation Area. Consequently the signage should reflect and enhance the character of the neighbourhood. Because of the prominence of the original building - The Golden Harp - the signage should be subtle and not overstated. Regretfully, these proposals are more suitable for a urbanised high street location, where facias compete for recognition. A dominant, landmark building in a residential setting does not require this density of signage. Signage for information purposes is acceptable, but photographic adverts such as signs A, E and G are visually intrusive and out of character - especially in a Conservation Area.
The signage policy for this site should be revisited. Signs should be kept to the minimum and should be to identify the business and inform the customer. They should not be to advertise. Consequently, we object to the proposed level of signage in this application.
We believe that the proposals in application 20/00554 for a plant enclosure, single storey extension and parking bollards will improve the visual appearance of the site as long as they reflect Conservation Area policies.
We trust that there will be an assessment of these two applications from the Conservation Team.