Application 20/00520 - Willowhayes, Chauntry Road

Comments on Application 20/00520 - Willowhayes, Chauntry Road

Single storey rear extension with raised terrace and glass balustrade.


This property lies within Flood Zone 2 and is subject to flood plain planning restrictions under Policy F1. This restricts the increase in footprint through extension to 30 square metres.  It is noted from the Planning History that in 1990 permission was granted for a two storey rear extension. More recently, in 2019, permission was refused for a rear extension with a first floor balcony. The balcony element was refused because of the potential  loss of privacy for neighbours. The extension was refused because the cumulative increase in footprint (following the 1990 extension0 exceeded 30 square metres. Although the balcony does not feature in this application, we note that there is no reference to or consideration of flood plain issues in the application. We believe that that the new extension will take the cumulative increase above 30 square metres. There is no reference to the previous planning application being refused on these grounds.