Application 20/00559 - 31 to 33 Belmont Road
Comments on Application 20/00559 - 31 to 33 Belmont Road Erection of six dwellings with access, parking and amenity space.
We have commented many times over the years on successive applications to develop this site. Permission has previously been granted for the construction of two detached houses on the site and we have been supportive of this outcome. A further application for 7 x 1-bed dwellings has also been permitted on appeal. However, the owner persists in attempting to squeeze as many bedrooms on to the site as possible, with a refused application for 6 x 2-bed dwellings being followed by a dismissed appeal in late 2019.
The site is suitable for development and we regret that it remains vacant and unattractive. It has been established through Planning History the level of development that is suitable for the site. Persisting with an application for 6 x 2-bed dwellings is unacceptable and represents over development of the site. Consequently we continue to object to this proposal and urge the owner to take up one of the two permitted planning options which were granted last year.