Application 20/00217 - Land Adjacent to 2 Horton Close

Comments on Application 20/00217 - Land Adjacent to 2 Horton Close

Erection of a four-bed detached dwelling, detached outbuilding, new front boundary treatment, vehicular access, parking and landscaping.


It is surprising that this vacant plot has remained undeveloped over the years. It does lie within Flood Zone 3 and it is noted that a Flood Risk Assessment and Evacuation Plan is included in the documentation. Although we do not object to this specific infilling development on the flood plain, we are becoming increasingly concerned at the ongoing wider development of the flood plain and the potential risks associated with climate change. We believe greater clarity is required from the RBWM Planning Department.


We note the input from the Environment Agency in relation to mitigation measures and believe that their requirements should be incorporated as conditions of any planning consent.  We also note that the property will be located in the Riverside Conservation Area and that no objections have been raised by the Conservation Team.